The Working in Germany Academy takes 6+ Years of navigating the German Job Market as a foreigner, so you can fast-track your success in Germany. This course is designed to save you time by sharing practical insights and providing a clear path to navigate the job market

Hallo, I'm Diana Verry! 👋

With over 6 years of Working in Germany's, I'm excited to share you with a unique and effective perspective to navigating a career abroad as a foreigner.

I'm originally from Canada and I vividly remember the yearning for more excitement and better career opportunities, which led me to make the life-changing move to Germany. Does this sound like you too?

My experience goes beyond the surface—I've worked for multiple companies in Germany, gaining insights not found in the standard playbook that are all documented in the Academy.

I've also guided individual professionals, like yourself, during 1-on-1 coaching calls, through the intricacies of securing jobs in Germany with the goal of saving them time and effort.

This comprehensive course not only distills my experience and strategies that have helped others that we're previously in your position, by providing practical strategies, it equips you with the tools to thrive in the German job market.

If you're ready to make your mark on the German job market, then you've come to the right place!

Scroll down to see reviews from previous students and the curriculum. See in you in Academy!🚀

🇩🇪Your ultimate motivational partner to ensure your valuable time is invested in the right approach

The Academy condenses 6+ years of knowledge and experience into a few hours

🌟 Learn from a Seasoned Expert: With over 6 years of experience, I have guided individuals like you in helping them navigate the pathway to securing a job in Germany. My coaching method has transformed countless careers, turning aspirations into achievements. Your time is now! 

🌟End Application Frustration: If you feel like you're wasting time by not taking action or are getting rejections, you can say bye to this! This course will reach you how to target your applications effectively to move here quicker than you can imagine!

🌟Craft Impressive CVs and Cover Letters: Learn the secrets of crafting a standout CV and cover letter that grab attention and get you noticed by German employers.

🌟 No German Required: Yes, you read that right! You can still secure a job in Germany without being a fluent German speaker and only speaking English. This course equips you with strategies to find opportunities and succeed in an English-speaking environment. I’ve done it and many others have as well! 

🌟 Tailored for Highly Skilled Workers: If you're a skilled professional aiming to elevate your career, this course is designed precisely for you. I’m here to guide you step-by-step, regardless of your industry.

🌟 Efficiency in Learning: Say goodbye to wasting time on trial and error. This course provides you with a proven roadmap, saving you from unnecessary setbacks.

🌟 No More Radio Silence: Tired of hearing crickets after submitting applications? Learn the key to making yourself a desirable candidate to potential employers and how to stand out amongst other applicants.

🌟 Abundant Learning Materials: Lifetime access to engaging videos and comprehensive PDFs designed to empower your journey. With every video you will be excited to take on the next steps towards landing your dream job!
🌟 Proven Job Search Strategies: Uncover time-tested strategies to find your dream job in Germany efficiently and strategically. These tips and strategies will land you the job interviews in a short amount of time and ensure that you nail the interview each time! (ps. I even show you how you can use AI to your advantage)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be fluent in German to benefit from this course?

A: Not at all! While German language skills can be beneficial, the Work in Germany Academy is designed for those who would like to work in Germany in English

Who is this course for?

A: The Working in Germany Academy is specifically designed for Highly Skilled Professionals who are eager to excel in the German job market. If you have a higher-education, vocational training and/or work experience, this course is for you! 

Can I enroll if I'm not an EU citizen?

A: Absolutely! The Working in Germany Academy provides valuable insights into visa options available for both EU and non-EU citizens.

I've applied for jobs before and didn't hear back. How is this different?

A: I've been there – sending out applications and getting radio silence is frustrating. That's why the Working in Germany Academy isn't just about applying; it's about mastering the process. From crafting impressive applications to acing interviews, we'll equip you with the skills to make a lasting impression.

I'm worried about the cost. Is it worth it?

A: Investing in your career can be a game-changer, and that's exactly what the Working in Germany Academy offers. Think of it as an investment in your future earning potential and personal growth. There are also flexible payment options to make it more budget-friendly.

Who is this course NOT for?

A: The Work in Germany Academy is NOT designed for those who would like to study in Germany, those that don't have Higher Education (University Degree), Vocational Training and/or Work Experience.

What is included in the course curriculum?

A: The course comprises 8 comprehensive modules covering various aspects of finding a job in Germany, from visa options to interview mastery and employment rights.

How long will I have access to the course materials?

A: You will have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace and revisit the content whenever you need. Any new future updates to the course will also be accessible.


✓ Highly Skilled Worker seeking job opportunities in Germany (with a University degree/Vocational Training and/or Work Experience)

✓ Proficiency in English (German language skills not mandatory)

✓ Commitment to learning and applying the course materials

✓ Willingness to invest time in self-improvement and career advancement

✓ Suitable for various industries

✓ Access to a computer and stable internet connection

✓ Enthusiasm to elevate your career and stand out in the German job market

If you have any other questions, please send me an email at [email protected]